marți, 4 noiembrie 2014


                                        Şi s-a adeverit  dragilor !

VULCANUL  a erupt  Hawaii ! 





Râul de lavă continuă să îşi facă drum printr-o localitate din Hawaii

Deşi a încetinit avansul, fluxul de 90 de mii de metri cubi de rocă aprinsă înghite orice i s-ar afla în cale. Este la doar 150 de metri de principalul drum ce leagă orăşelul, în care locuiesc o mie de oameni, de restul lumii.

  1. Mileka Lincoln | Facebook
    I'm in Hawaii watching the news and I see a familiar face! .... More details as they develop on Hawaii News Now #MalamaPono (Photo courtesy USGS) See ...
  2. Mileka Lincoln - Timeline | Facebook
    Community Page about Hawaii News Now · Timelineselected ... I'm in Hawaii watching the news and I see a familiar face! Glad your ..... Mahalo & Mālama pono!
  3. milekalincoln | Tumblr
    As slow-moving lava approached a cemetery in a rural Hawaii town, Aiko Sato ... Read the full story on #MalamaPono (Photo courtesy ...
                     2 Noiembrie 2014, ora 6,15 dimineaţa!

            Ca întotdeauna, Lumina albă ca un fulger stralucitor, ma trezeste si-mi luminează noaptea albastra dinspre Apus.
Aici dragii mei, văd ca un vârf de munte înalt, dar un vârf de munte plat si din care iesea pe o suprafaţă întinsă, foc ca un jar aprins ,precum si multă zgură neagră.

Acest VULCAN dragilor, arde mocnit si tot se adânceste !
Nu va dura prea mult până va incepe să erupă, să arunce lavă si zgură!
Eu nu stiu unde se află, in ce ŢARĂ anume, dar stiu ca este spre Apus, si că va fi surprinzătoare eruptia acestui VULCAN!
Pentru că nimeni nu se asteaptă ca el sa se trezească, si va arde mocnit, până va incepe sa erupă cu putere.  
                                                  Ca întotdeauna, cu dragoste,

Si s-a adeverit !

LATEST DETAILS: Hawai‘i County Civil Defense officials say a #PunaLavaFlow breakout is continuing to advance through the Pāhoa Transfer Station -- burning through asphalt of the driveway that surrounds the buildings on the property, but has not come into contact with any of the structures yet.

Officials say the breakout progressed up and over an embankment Monday night and has since broken off into at least five or six narrow fingers that are cascading down into the driveway into a drainage ditch. They say it's expected to take awhile to fill, because it's 10 feet below the grade the structures are built on. The drainage ditch was designed to divert run-off from heavy rain. According to officials, the fingers range in width from a 1-2 feet to 10 feet and all appear to be advancing toward Apaʻa Street. There is no hazardous materials on site -- officials say all compactors and hydraulic equipment was moved off the property weeks ago.

Officials say they are closely monitoring three breakouts: in the area of the cemetery below Apa‘a Street; above Apa‘a Street in the area west or upslope of the transfer station; and 0.3 miles upslope of Apa‘a Street, after advancing another 225 yards in the past 24 hours. Hawai‘i County Civil Defense Director Darryl Olivera says none of the breakouts currently pose any immediate threats to area residents. Aside from the flow lobe that is moving through the transfer station and burning road material, officials say the other breakouts are only in contact with vegetation.

Hawaiʻi County officials confirm the breakout that claimed the first house along Apaʻa Street Monday is still active on the residential property.
They say amazingly, the barn and garage is still standing -- even though the flow came within 2 feet of the structure.

HVO scientists conducted a helicopter overflight Wednesday morning to assess the progress of the lava flow and found the closest active lava to Pāhoa Village Road was located several hundred meters upslope of the road, below the Pāhoa cemetery. Experts say the majority of activity is happening further upslope where breakouts are significantly inflating and expanding the flow -- in some spots reaching heights of 18 feet and widening to a little more than a half mile across.

Smoke conditions Wednesday morning are reportedly moderate to heavy with light trade winds blowing the smoke in a south southwest direction towards the Leilani and lower Puna areas. Residents down wind who may be sensitive or have respiratory problems are advised to take necessary precautions and to remain indoors, should the winds shift or smoke conditions increase.

Civil Defense Director Oliveira says the evacuation advisory for those residents down slope of the flow will continue and residents will be kept informed of the flow status and advancement.

Pāhoa Village Road between Apa‘a Street and the Post Office Road will remain closed and limited to area residents only. In addition, Civil Defense, public safety personnel and Hawai‘i National Guard troops will be operating in the area round the clock to maintain close observations of flow activity.

More details as they develop on Hawaii News Now #MalamaPono (Photo courtesy Hawai‘i County)

Fotografie: LATEST DETAILS: Hawai‘i County Civil Defense officials say a #PunaLavaFlow breakout is continuing to advance through the Pāhoa Transfer Station -- burning through asphalt of the driveway that surrounds the buildings on the property, but has not come into contact with any of the structures yet. 

Officials say the breakout progressed up and over an embankment Monday night and has since broken off into at least five or six narrow fingers that are cascading down into the driveway into a drainage ditch. They say it's expected to take awhile to fill, because it's 10 feet below the grade the structures are built on. The drainage ditch was designed to divert run-off from heavy rain. According to officials, the fingers range in width from a 1-2 feet to 10 feet and all appear to be advancing toward Apaʻa Street. There is no hazardous materials on site -- officials say all compactors and hydraulic equipment was moved off the property weeks ago. 

Officials say they are closely monitoring three breakouts: in the area of the cemetery below Apa‘a Street; above Apa‘a Street in the area west or upslope of the transfer station; and 0.3 miles upslope of Apa‘a Street, after advancing another 225 yards in the past 24 hours. Hawai‘i County Civil Defense Director Darryl Olivera says none of the breakouts currently pose any immediate threats to area residents. Aside from the flow lobe that is moving through the transfer station and burning road material, officials say the other breakouts are only in contact with vegetation. 

Hawaiʻi County officials confirm the breakout that claimed the first house along Apaʻa Street Monday is still active on the residential property. 
They say amazingly, the barn and garage is still standing -- even though the flow came within 2 feet of the structure. 

HVO scientists conducted a helicopter overflight Wednesday morning to assess the progress of the lava flow and found the closest active lava to Pāhoa Village Road was located several hundred meters upslope of the road, below the Pāhoa cemetery. Experts say the majority of activity is happening further upslope where breakouts are significantly inflating and expanding the flow -- in some spots reaching heights of 18 feet and widening to a little more than a half mile across. 

Smoke conditions Wednesday morning are reportedly moderate to heavy with light trade winds blowing the smoke in a south southwest direction towards the Leilani and lower Puna areas. Residents down wind who may be sensitive or have respiratory problems are advised to take necessary precautions and to remain indoors, should the winds shift or smoke conditions increase. 

Civil Defense Director Oliveira says the evacuation advisory for those residents down slope of the flow will continue and residents will be kept informed of the flow status and advancement. 

Pāhoa Village Road between Apa‘a Street and the Post Office Road will remain closed and limited to area residents only. In addition, Civil Defense, public safety personnel and Hawai‘i National Guard troops will be operating in the area round the clock to maintain close observations of flow activity. 

More details as they develop on Hawaii News Now #MalamaPono (Photo courtesy Hawai‘i County)

Hawai‘i County Civil Defense officials say the leading edge of the #PunaLavaFlow front remains stalled with very little activity and has not advanced over the past six days. Officials say the flow pad continues to show signs of inflation which could result in breakouts and more activity. The flow front remains approximately 480 feet from the Pāhoa Village Road. Officials say upslope breakouts are approximately 0.7 to 1.5 miles above the Apa‘a Street area along the north side of the flow field and moving in a north/northeast direction. Officials say the burning along the flow edges in the areas of the cemetery and above the transfer station is limited to the vegetation in contact with the flow. USGS geologists with the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory say activity continues behind the lava flow’s leading edge, within the flow’s interior, and along its side margins, with localized breakouts of molten lava. An overflight by HVO scientists on Wednesday afternoon observed no breakouts closer than about 550 yards from the flow front. USGS says only very minor inflationary tilt occurred at Kīlauea’s summit, and the level of the summit lava lake at Halemaʻumaʻu Crater was similar to the previous day. Hawai‘i County officials say smoke conditions Thursday are light with variable winds. Residents down wind who may be sensitive or have respiratory problems are advised to take necessary precautions and to remain indoors, should the winds shift or smoke conditions increase. Hawai‘i County Civil Defense Director Darryl Oliveira says although current flow activity has decreased, the evacuation advisory for those residents down slope of the flow will continue and residents will be kept informed of the flow status and advancement. More details tonight on Hawaii News Now #MalamaPono (Photo courtesy: Kekuhaupi‘o Embernate) link:

5 comentarii:

  1. Draga Maria ,un vulcan erupe si lava se varsa spre un oras.

  2. traducerea informatia e in engleza
    Oficialii Hawaii County Apărării Civile a mers din ușă în ușă în Apa'a Street și PAHOA Village Road cartiere miercuri noapte predarea notificari de evacuare pentru locuitorii din calea imediată ale curbei descendente ale #PunaLavaFlow. În acest moment oficialii spun că nu evacuari obligatorii au fost emise,

  3. imagini si video am primit pe facebook de la<< Mileka Lincoln >>din Hawai.
    Daca ai facebook ,da cautare la acest nume.
    Oficialii spun trei eruptii flux de lavă Puna in zona Apa'a Street rămână active și avansează. Oficialii declară că ei monitorizează îndeaproape lobi în zona cimitirului de mai jos Apa'a Street; de mai sus Apa'a Street în zona de vest sau de sus a curbei de stația de transfer; și 0.2 mile curbei ascendente a Apa'a Street - care au avansat mai mult de 500 de metri între luni și miercuri. Oficialii declară că nici una dintre breakouts reprezintă o amenințare imediată pentru rezidenți ai zonei și va fi monitorizată îndeaproape.

    Potrivit Apararii Civile, Breakout în apropiere de stația de transfer continuă să umple în zona de drum de acces pe partea din spate și de sud a instalației și arde prin materialul drum asfaltat. Oficialii declară că toate celelalte erupțiilor se ard doar prin vegetație.

    Condiții de fum joi sunt în prezent moderată până la grele, cu un vânt de sud lumină suflă fumul în direcția nord-est la nord spre Ainaloa, zonele Hawaiian Paradise Park și Kea'au. Rezidenți derulează eoliene care pot fi sensibile sau au probleme respiratorii sunt sfătuiți să ia măsurile de precauție necesare și să rămână în interior, ar trebui să schimbe vânturile sau condiții de fum creștere. Oficialii declară că serviciul meteo a continuat prognozate vanturi sud pentru următoarele câteva zile.

    Director Hawaii County Apararii Civile Darryl Oliveira spune consultativ de evacuare pentru acele rezidenți derulează pantă a fluxului va continua și rezidenții vor fi informată cu privire la starea de curgere și progresul.
